Understand Yourself at aDeeper Level.

Adapt your communication to increase sales, team performance, and develop key leaders.

As the world’s most popular behavioral assessment tool, DISC offers a simple, practical, easy to remember, and universally applicable model.

DISC Profile Assessment will help you:

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What is my DISC style? The DISC model centers on four DISC factors known as

D: Dominance

Direct and guarded, fast-paced and task-oriented, focuses on problems & challenges, assertive.

I: Influence

Direct and open, fast-paced and people-oriented, focuses on people & contacts, persuasive.

S: Steadiness

Indirect and open, slow-paced and people-oriented, focuses on pace & consistency, supportive.

C: Conscientious

Indirect and guarded, slow-paced and task-oriented, focuses on procedures & constraints, analytical.