Brent Weinzapfel – B3 Resource Solutions

Logan Cockerham: So Brent, when people ask about your business, how do you describe what you do?

Brent Weinzapfel: Our business is focused on staffing and recruiting. We’re the bridge between companies looking for individuals for their teams and people looking for careers.

Logan Cockerham:  And how long have you been in business?

Brent Weinzapfel: It’s been nearly a full year. We are approaching our official 1-year mark. It’s been a fun ride.  

Logan Cockerham: Where do you want to take B3 long-term?

Brent Weinzapfel: My main plan is to grow it into B3 Companies and focus on our four pillars of business: Maintenance, Manufacturing, Financial, and Medical Staffing. Ultimately I would like to break each division down into their own sister company under B3 Companies as a long-term goal.

Logan Cockerham: Is that what you wanted to be it to become when you started?

Brent Weinzapfel:  Yes, having parent company. I came from a corporate background with a similar kind of program.

Logan Cockerham: Who is your current demographic now? Who do you help?

Brent Weinzapfel: Just about anybody that’s looking for an opportunity. We’re a resource for people who want to move forward in their careers. We talk to people about how to negotiate contracts, how to negotiate new salaries. We help with resume building.

Logan Cockerham: What is your biggest learning from the pandemic and how has your thinking changed in your approach to business over the last two years?

Brent Weinzapfel: I think for everybody, the pandemic changed you or changed your business’s model, at least to understand what you might have to do in case it happens again. I think it’s helped us be more prepared.

The biggest change was remote working, the way technology is nowadays and how remote work can be done, especially in the IT landscape. The adaptation of working remotely created so much business for people, if they were open to it.

People say all the time that they can’t hire, and I’ll ask, “Are you open to hiring remotely?” I’m like, if you open this up to remote where you can find somebody anywhere in the country, and it’s a conversation that they’re comfortable having, then that’s one of those things that I try to push onto people. You’ve got to be able to adapt.

Logan Cockerham:. What is most inspiring to you today?

Brent Weinzapfel: Creating something that my son and my wife can be proud of. One day my son could say, “Wow, Dad did that.” Or my wife could say, “I’m really proud of him, because he tried.” It’s that inspiration of trying something.

To learn more about B3 Resource Solutions, visit their website.